Logsmith is a general purpose logging and organization program for your data on the iPhone and iPod Touch. After data has been recorded, entries can be sorted chronologically or alphabetically. Data can be represented in different styles to suit your taste or the need of particular log. For sensitive data, password protection is available on an individual log basis.
* Every entry records timestamp (changeable), modified, created times.
* Password protection for privacy.
* Ability to turn on and off auto correction keyboard.
* Entry can be color labeled.
* Sort entries chronologically or alphabetically (ascending and descending).
* 3 different presentations for your data: Timestamp, Date-Time, or Notepad.
* Share individual entry or the entire log through in app email.
Use Logsmith for:
* Notes
* Diary
* Travel journal
* Secrets or passwords
* Itinerary
* Data collection
* Expense report
* Lab journal
* Organize lists